PhycoTerra® - Soil Amendment - PhycoTerra®


Soil Amendment

This revolutionary nature-sourced liquid microbial food product, delivers a superior, balanced meal to the starving, dormant microbes in your soil. Using microalgal technology to activate, or better understood as “waking up” the native and added beneficial microbes on your farm or in your garden, PhycoTerra® Soil Amendment delivers a unique mode-of-action to improve soil structure, increase water holding capacity, and optimize nutrient availability. Improved soil quality and health supports crops through abiotic stress throughout each growing season.

Soil Amendment

PhycoTerra® Soil Amendment activates the soil microbiome (up to 33x) by delivering a superior balanced meal to dormant, native microbes. Waking up microbes, both bacteria and fungi, early in the season can help support your crop throughout the growing season.


PhycoTerra® Soil Amendment can simply be added to existing crop input and fertilizer application programs – given its natural, exceptional mixability. The product is pasteurized, shelf-stable with minimal storage requirements, and can be applied to all soil types and crops.


PhycoTerra® Soil Amendment activates the soil microbiome to improve soil structure and quality, increase water productivity (up to 10%), optimize nutrient uptake, and support post-harvest residue management – all benefits contributing to improved, sustainable yield and return on investment (ROI) performance.

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