Products - PhycoTerra®


PhycoTerra® Soil, Seed, and Foliar Products

Supercharge Your Soil and Plant Microbiomes

PhycoTerra® products use the power of microalgae to feed the beneficial microbes in your soil and on your crops.

75% of soil microbes are dormant and inactive. Native beneficial microbes do important work for your soil and your crop, including improving soil structure, increasing water-holding capacity, and optimizing nutrient mineralization. When they’re starving, or better understood as asleep, they cannot do these critical jobs to help you maximize yield potential.

PhycoTerra® soil and seed products provide a food source for soil microbes to wake them up and put them to work for your crop. Well-fed beneficial microbes, such as fungi and bacteria, improve your soil and crop yield by increasing water and nutrient uptake. They also help support your crop through abiotic stress during the season.

Our new foliar product, PhycoTerra® FX, provides a superior food source to the unique microbiome of plant leaves, providing abiotic stress relief throughout the dynamic growing season.

Realize your farm’s full potential with PhycoTerra® soil, seed, and foliar products.

Phycoterra soil health products

Application Timing & Uses

PhycoTerra application graphic


PhycoTerra® Features

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Activates dormant microbes

Boosts microbial activity up to 33X in all soil types and optimizes NPK availability

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on-farm results

Improves water-holding capacity up to 10% and increases crop yields.

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Compatible with other crop inputs and features shelf-life of up to 2 years.

PhycoTerra® is not a fertilizer, foreign microbe or biostimulant.

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Get more information on PhycoTerra® soil, seed, and foliar products

Interested in purchasing our products for your farm or carrying them in your retail establishment? Contact us and we’ll be in touch.

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