Farmer 2025 Promo Offers - PhycoTerra®

Feed your farm all year long.

OPTION 1: Buy 80 gallons of PhycoTerra® Soil Amendment and receive 20 gallonsat no charge. Treats 400 acres.

OPTION 2: Buy 20 gallons of PhycoTerra Foliar Treatment and receive 5 gallonsat no charge. Treats 400 acres.

OPTION 3: Participate in both options 1 soil and 2 foliar to qualify for an additional 10 gallons (treats 160 acres) ofPhycoTerra Foliar Treatment at no charge.

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What is PhycoTerra?

This revolutionary nature-sourced liquid microbial food product, delivers a superior, balanced meal to the starving, dormant microbes in your soil. Using microalgal technology to activate, or better understood as “waking up” the native and added beneficial microbes in your soil, PhycoTerra delivers a unique mode-of-action to improve soil structure, increase water holding capacity, and optimize nutrient availability. Improved soil quality and health supports crops through abiotic stress throughout each growing season.

Learn more about PhycoTerra®

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