Mar 06, 2025
Congratulations, Michael Brancato of Bakersfield, California! This lucky California almond grower won 40 acres worth of PhycoTerra® soil microbial food at this year’s Almond Conference in Sacramento.
California almond growers who attended and visited the PhycoTerra® booth at the 2021 “Rooted in Success” Almond Conference had the opportunity to put their name in for a chance to win a season’s worth of product to use in their orchards. We are pleased that Michael has won, and we look forward to seeing the results of PhycoTerra in his orchard.
Our product raffle was one part of our conference campaign to let growers and almond industry leaders know how they can join the BetterSoil Alliance, our partnership with Yara North America. The BetterSoil Alliance is dedicated to soil health, creating a sustainable food chain, and promoting the longevity of the California almond industry.
In addition to our lucky winner, growers across the conference got to learn more about the role soil health plays in drought-proofing almond orchards. Our VP of Ag Science, Dr. Karl Wyant, spoke from the conference’s Almond Stage to educate growers on soil microbes, abiotic stresses, and the benefits of nature-based solutions such as PhycoTerra®.
Yara North America also made a showing at the conference to further discuss the BetterSoil Alliance and how it will reward growers for taking practical and sustainable actions in their orchards. Dr. Rob Mikkelsen, Director of Agronomic Services, spoke not only on the benefits to growers, but how the Alliance will be a catalyst for change across the entire almond industry.
Thanks to the Almond Board and to all those in the industry for an amazing conference experience.
#BetterSoil is the beginning of the future. Interested in seeing the results of better soil on almond yields and quality? Check out our almond trial results.