Growers don’t tend to put much stock in overpromises and marketing bull-hooey.
So while you may have heard it all, it certainly helps to hear it from the horses’ mouth.
Mummelthei Farms
Crop: Corn and Soybeans
Location: Waverly, Iowa
Three Fives Farm
Crop: Soybeans
Location: Sibley, Illinois
Raymond & Stutzman Farms
Crop: Corn
Location: Morenci, Michigan
It’s growing made better for the grower, better for the planet, and better than ever before.
Nourishes the microbiome to activate dormant microbes
Boosts yield
with positive ROI
across crop types
Optimizes NPK availability and crop nutrient uptake
Reduces abiotic
plant stress
Improves soil
water holding
capacity up to 10%
Promotes natural residue management and higher planting temps
PhycoTerra is being used in fields across America and the world. See how our microbe superfood is helping growers achieve incredible results, boosting overall yields with positive ROI across crop types.
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Revolutionizing Farming Through
Plants rely on a wide variety of bacteria and fungi to help keep themselves healthy and their soil rich with readily available nutrients. Collectively, these communities of microscopic life that support your plant are known as the microbiome.
But without proper nourishment, the microbiome becomes dormant and can't play it's important role in sustaining plant life. The natural food source for these beneficial bacteria and fungi? Terrestrial microalgae.
Drawing from nature’s own time-tested methods, studied over a decade of research, we developed PhycoTerra—an all natural, microalgae-based superfood proven to replenish the soil with organic matter and revitalize the microbes that promote healthy soil and sustained crop growth.
Preserving the Future of Farming
Learn more about our mission to keep farming economically and ecologically sustainable.
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